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Realizing How Small We Really Are

Have you ever noticed how many people take pictures in front of really breathtaking and majestic backgrounds? Maybe you have seen someone take a picture in front of an ocean, a mountain range or even something as mind blowing as the Grand Canyon.

A few weeks ago I traveled to Wyoming with Dr. Miller and Dewayne Bryant to dig up and discover dinosaur bones. We dug up toe bones that were bigger than our heads, jaw bones the size of our forearms and even a T-Rex tooth that was half the size of our hands. It was a humbling experience to find, see and hold the bones of these giant creatures.

In the new movie, “Jurassic World”, Simon Masrani the CEO of the park says, “Jurassic World exists to remind us of how very small we really are” (Trevorrow 2015). I believe that is why our world was created as big and enormous as it is—to remind us of “how very small we really are”. We are humbled when we think about the massive size of the earth and especially the unfathomable size of the universe. Maybe this is because the creation reminds us of the Creator.

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). We see the creator in the creation. I believe that this is why we like to take pictures in front of awesome and wondrous scenery. This is why we are so fascinated with these gigantic creatures called dinosaurs. We long to see and to experience things that are so much bigger than ourselves.

In reality I believe this yearning comes from a desire that is deep within every human being—the desire to see and to know the higher entity Who created it all. Although some are unwilling to admit it, we all have a soul and that soul longs to be with the eternal God Who made it.

With this in mind, why do we worry so much? Why are we such a fearful people? Why are we fearful of evil? Why do we run from suffering? Why does sharing our faith make us uncomfortable? If this world is truly a picture of how great our God is then why are we afraid?

“Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). This is what Jesus said to His disciples after He calmed a storm by simply saying “Peace be still”. That is how powerful our God is. Jesus said in essence “Listen I am more powerful than anything in existence. I am with you so what do you have to fear?”

We like to stand with things that are big, hence why we see so many taking photos in front of mountains and the Grand Canyon. Are you standing with God? It is only when we do stand with God and put our confidence in Him that we can realize “how small we really are” and how big He really is.


Jurassic World. Dir. Colin Trevorrow. Producers. Frank Marshall, Thomas Tull, and Patrick Crowley. 2015. Film.

This article originally appeared on Noah's blog, "Created For Good..." on July 10th, 2015. You can view his blog at

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